Sènia del Barral 63

17310 Lloret de Mar

+34 972 367 436

Sunday & Monday : CLOSED

Gabinet senia & associats

Professionals in Real Estate Services A13119 - Aicat 10128
Exclusive Agents of MGS Insurance

Our company is formed by a human team with a large staff dedicated exclusively to different tasks, both administrative and accounting as well as legal advice and insurance management, in order to offer a good service to the communities of owners that are managed from our dependencies.

To carry out these tasks, the managers of the company, as well as the entire administrative team, we have set up our own way of working that allows us to have a perfect follow-up of the Communities and above all, that our customers feel secure with our management, based on the transparency of the data and documentation that is in our office, always available to all co-owners, as well as a close relationship with the presidents of each community to know, in the most next possible, problems that may arise on a property.

The management we carry out, referring to the Communities, is broken down into two points; 1st Administrative Management and 2nd Accounting Management, in accordance with the business structure we have assumed. All this so that the functioning within a community, both of the Internal Governing Bodies and of the responsibilities of each of the owners, is as agile as possible at the same time as safe and responsible.


Gabinet Senia & Associats

Years of experience in properties management

administrative management

Collegiate Management

We are members of the official colleges of the sectors in which we work and strictly follow all protocols and quality standards in our services.

Telematic Meetings

Telematic videoconferencing assistance service for community meetings. Exclusive service for our estate management clients.

Appointment Services

We offer all our services by appointment. Save time and queues and be taken care of by our professionals at the time you have arranged.

Within this section, our main goal is to provide advice to all members of the community. For this reason, we offer to resolve any doubts that may arise in the interpretation and compliance with the Horizontal Property Law, the Catalan Civil Code, and statutory rules that may exist within the co-ownership. In the same way that we put our interest in the good functioning of the community, moderating and dealing with the problems of a Community nature that occur.

The Notices of Meetings, whether Ordinary or Extraordinary, lift and comply with the respective Minutes of the meetings held, sending a copy of them and the agreements adopted to each of the Owners who form the communities.

All the processes that must be carried out, whether of a legal nature or of administrative claims or intended for one or more owners in particular, proceedings and notices within the framework provided by law for each of the cases before us.

accounting management

Processing the collection of the fees established by the Community for the proper maintenance and conservation of the property, is the main objective of this block, considering one of the main gears for the proper activity of the communities.

The payment of all bills pertaining to water supplies, electric forces of the common elements, as well as the payment and verification of all bills pertaining to repairs made in the common part.

Carry out the annual settlements for each financial year by groups of accounts and statements of accounts corresponding to each owner, between the budget requested and actual expenses.

The request for budgets and the detailed study of all of them for all the repairs, works, improvements… that could take place in the common spaces of the property, in the way that suits the Community best.

Receipt management

We process the collection of the fees established by the Community, which you can make by direct debit or transfer to the Community account.

Account reports

We prepare annual reports on the statement of accounts, movements, budget execution, balances, settlements and budget proposal.

Request for budgets

We manage the relationship with industrialists to request budgets for the execution of improvements, extensions, renovations or adaptations to the Community.

Real estate

Purchase and sale of real estate with full guarantee.

upcoming meetings


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Associated management & services with the maximum guarantee



Professional Association of Real Estate Administrators and Managers



Marc Piña Agency



Real estate partner



Real Estate Agent A13119



Register of Real Estate Agents 10128



Technology partner

make an appointment


We detail the treatment of your data:

View our Privacy policy
  • Purpose: Respond to your inquiries and / or requests.
  • Conservation period: As long as the consent given lasts.
  • Legitimate basis: The consent of the interested party.
  • Data typology: Merely identifying data.
  • Cessions: None.
  • International transfers: Not foreseen.
  • Profiling: Not foreseen.

We process the collection of fees established by the neighborhood community

We process the collection of fees set by the Community, which you can make by direct debit to your account or by bank transfer to your Community account or by bank deposit into your Community account.

We do not handle cash payments at our offices.

We prepare the annual reports of the accounts statements

We make the annual settlements of each year by groups of accounts and statements of accounts corresponding to each owner, between the approved budget and the actual expenses incurred, as well as the annual closings with detailed information of all movements made and existing balances at the end of exercise.

Budget request and presentation to the community

We manage the request for budgets to the different industrialists and their detailed study in any repair, work, improvement, reform … that occurs in the common spaces of the Estate, and all in the most convenient way for the Community, as well as the procedures and monitoring of the agreements, deadlines and payments approved on the actions carried out.

working hours

Monday & holidays
Tuesday to Friday
9AM to 1PM
3PM to 7PM
9AM to 2PM

Can We Help You?


We detail the treatment of your data:

  • Purpose: Respond to your inquiries and / or requests.
  • Conservation period: As long as the consent given lasts.
  • Legitimate basis: The consent of the interested party.
  • Data typology: Merely identifying data.
  • Cessions: None.
  • International transfers: Not foreseen.
  • Profiling: Not foreseen.
View our Privacy policy

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